Do you regularly visit a church?
According to the elders' manual:
If it is learned that a person has taken up association with another religious organization and thus is identified with it, a committee (not judicial) should be selected to investigate matters and endeavor to provide spiritual assistance. If the individual has joined another religious organization and intends to remain with it, he has disassociated himself.
6. If members of the congregation are known tohave undue association with disfellowshippedIf it is clear that a Christian is violating the spirit ofor disassociated relatives who are not in thehousehold, elders should counsel and reason withthose members of the congregation from the Scriptures. Review with them information from the“God’s Love” book, pages 207-208; The Watchtowerof April 15, 1988, pages 26-30; or the article “Display Christian Loyalty When a Relative Is Disfellowshipped” in the August 2002 Our Kingdom Ministry.the disfellowshipping decree in this regard and doesnot respond to counsel, it may be that he wouldnot qualify for congregation privileges, which requireone to be exemplary. He would not be dealt with judicially unless there is persistent spiritual association orhe openly criticizes the disfellowshipping decision.